• Posting volunteer opportunities is completely free on our website. We encourage nonprofits, community organizations, and other groups to posting volunteer jobs and roles that need filling.

    For paid job listings, we offer competitive pricing based on factors like job type, length of posting, and any premium features added. Our price guides provide full transparency on what it costs to post salaried, hourly, contract, or internship positions. Please refer to our website's pricing page for the most up-to-date rates on paid job ads.

    We strive to make posting jobs accessible for all organizations, whether you are recruiting volunteers or paid employees. Please contact us if you ever have any questions about getting a job vacancy listed on CandoFMjobs!

  • Go to our website and click "Post a Job" in the top right corner. You'll be prompted to create an employer account by providing some basic company information. Once registered, you can start posting job openings.

  • Your job posting will remain live and searchable until you decide to close or expire it. You can keep a job posted for as long as you need to in order to attract applicants.

  • Absolutely. Our top-notch customer support team is available by phone and email if you ever need any assistance creating employer accounts, posting jobs, or managing applicants. We're here to help!

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